Engage your class with this completely interactive year 1 maths lesson on Counting beyond 20 that will give your learners ample opportunities to learn to count to and beyond 20 from any given number.
This lesson follows the National curriculum requirement for year 1 mathematics.
Teachers can use the lesson for whole-class teaching and learners can also use it at home.
There are lots of drag and drop activities on counting beyond 20 as well as instant feedback.
The lesson contains 30 interactive pages.
This is a list of all the topics covered in our year 1 maths lessons.
- Count to and across 100
- Skip count in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s
- Comparing numbers: 1 more and 1 less
- identify and represent numbers
- place value to 20
- addition and subtraction with pictures
- number bonds within 20
- add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20
- multiplications-one-step problems
- division by sharing
- Fractions-halves and quarters
- measurement- lengths and heights
- measurement- mass/weight
- measurement- capacity and volume
- time (hours, minutes, seconds)
- money – coins and notes
- calendar and dates
- 3-D shapes
- position, direction and movement.
- 2-D shapes
Save 20% when purchased as part of the year 1 number bundle.
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