Want an engaging addition and subtraction for Year 2 with fun-packed activities that will teach your learners how to apply their understanding of known addition and subtraction facts within 20? Buy this great value bundle of interactive lessons today to save you hours of planning and don’t forget to leave an honest review of your experience:)
In this year 2 addition and subtraction activities, learners will be able to:
- solve problems with addition and subtraction using concrete objects and pictorial representations;
- apply their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods;
- they will recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently; and
- also derive and use related facts up to 100.
With lots of classroom maths activities using drag and drop. Test with instant feedback. Can be used as learner resource or maths lesson plans for teachers.
Designed with lots of drag and drop activities for independent learning.
The year 2 maths resource contains:
- 73 Interactive Slides;
- Three-part lesson;
- Drag and drop independent activities including instant learner feedback;
- Interactive slides with randomized questions so learners always get a different set of questions;
- Differentiated questions and answers; and
- Printable worksheets to consolidate learning.
This lesson follows the National curriculum requirement for year 2 mathematics with 73 interactive slides in a vibrant design and dynamic images.
Teachers can use this lesson for whole-class teaching. It can also be used for practice and revision by learners at home, with lots of differentiated activities as well as worksheets with instant feedback.
More Year 2 Number Topics:
- Divisions
- Ordering Numbers
- Fractions
- Counting in Steps of 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s
- Odd and even numbers
- Place Value
- Buy these amazing resources as part of the Year 2 numbers bundle and save 20%.
- Measuring Capacity
- Measuring Lengths
- Measuring Weights
- Money
- Time
- Pictograms
- Tables and Tally Charts
- Carrol and Venn Diagrams
- Patterns and Sequence
Subscribe to Skoolmaths to get unlimited access to these amazing year 2 resources.

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